Adora Parent Prep Newborn Care
Learn all those newborn care skills over 2 hrs
Service Description
If you're keen to book this course, please feel free to get in touch and find out my availability. This is offered as a 1:1 course from your home. Or if you're looking for more flexible learning, take a look at Adora online courses. Adora Parent Prep helps you feel completely ready when it comes to your baby's arrival. Learning about life with a newborn. You will learn * What happens once baby arrives *checks that baby will be given *baby reflexes *Maternal health & recovery *the 4th trimester *newborn practical care. Supporting you as you prepare to meet your little one. Offering this newborn practical care course in West Malling & surrounding areas in Kent.

Cancellation Policy
Refunds or 1 course credit are given at my discretion. Please give at least 24hrs notice for any course cancellation. If you are unable to attend a class, an online 1:1 can be offered at an extra charge for pregnancy courses. If cancelling due to illness please contact myself asap.
Contact Details
Leybourne Chase Community Centre, Hawley Drive, West Malling, UK